If you haven’t noticed lately, we suggest you take a drive on East Hwy 20/275 in O’Neill to see the progress on the construction of the Northeast Community College Extended Campus. Things are really coming together!
To date, one of the largest grants the O’Neill Community Foundation Fund has ever given was to the Northeast Community College Extended Campus in O’Neill. This project furthers our mission of enriching the quality of life in O’Neill both today and in the future. It builds upon our already thriving community by helping create strong leadership opportunities and excellent education systems.
The OCFF gift contributed to the NECC capital campaign, which will allow NECC to provide an up-to-date, technologically advanced facility featuring state-of-the-art classrooms, labs and a technical training building. The new Extended Campus facility will not only address critical workforce shortages and attract and retain business and industry, but it will improve the quality of life in rural Nebraska for many years to come.
The O’Neill Community Foundation Fund is proud to support projects that encourage our youth and residents, in general, to invest in their future through education. We’re excited to see the new opportunities the Extended Campus provides in the years to come.
Posted on: Friday, March 4, 2016 Last modified on: Wednesday, March 9, 2016